Dictionary Word of the day.

Definitions for penetralia
  • the most private or secret things.
  • the innermost parts or recesses of a place or thing.

  • Citations for penetralia
    • But there are promptings of wisdom from the penetralia of human nature, which a people can hear though, the wisest of their practical Statesmen be deaf towards them. William Wordsworth, "Concerning the Relations of Great Britain, Spain and Portugal…as Affected by the Convention of Cintra," 1809

    • Then he had stood so high that he had seen the new day flood the earth below him in all its folds and depths and dimmest penetralia ; and beauty had brimmed his soul with the same splendour. Edith Wharton, Hudson River Bracketed, 1929

    Origin of penetralia

    • Penetralia is formed from the Latin verb penetrāre meaning "to penetrate." It entred English in the mid-1600s.

    Source: Dictionary.com